I have published the source for the free read.eurostat() in R at https://github.com/toprach/eurostat_r.git
Users of STATA can buy my stata version from here: https://sites.google.com/site/eustatuse/
Update: I have just found out that the rdatamarket library can also download data from EUROSTAT so you may have a look at it too.
My impression is that rdatamarket is a little slower than my implementation – but rdatamarket gives access to UN, Eurostat, Worldbank, FAO, and other providers – via a single Interface. I guess I will use my library for EUROSTAT and rdatamarket for the other sources.
There is also a library WDI to access Worldbank data directly from R.
This is a really helpful script. Thank you!
AntwortenLöschenThanks, it is a really helpful function! However, inspect the data carefully when you use it, I have noticed that when downloading population figures, the last digit of the population value is sometimes transferred to the flag field.
AntwortenLöschenYour are welcome. I have not worked on the code for a while; if you find the bug, please send me a fix and I will post it.