You have a dataset that you want to aggregate over several levels in a loop. At every loop you want to drop the last group.
The regexm command can drop the last word of a macro in every loop:
regexm("`agglevel'", "([a-z A-Z]+)[ ]([a-zA-Z]+)")
The regexm command can drop the last word of a macro in every loop:
regexm("`agglevel'", "([a-z A-Z]+)[ ]([a-zA-Z]+)")
an nice and short introduction for regexm can be found here.
That is the code snippet I use:
(works in STATA11)
foreach var of varlist saledate mofd wofd year{
local agglevel total company store category supplier pricelevel
local facts (sum) items pricesold pricein pricelabel
local words=wordcount("`agglevel'")
forvalues v=1/`words'{
local agglevel_file=subinstr("`agglevel'"," ","_",.)
di "`facts' ,by(`agglevel' `var')"
qui collapse `facts' ,by(`agglevel' `var')
qui my_popagg
qui add_mofd
save `sample'_agg_`agglevel_file',replace
qui gen x=""
di regexm("`agglevel'", "([a-z A-Z]+)[ ]([a-zA-Z]+)")
*will produce an error on the last level -ignore safely
cap local agglevel=regexs(1)
local agglevel="`agglevel'"
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