Dienstag, 23. April 2013

Connect your Windows 7 phone to your Cisco VPN


You want to connect your Windows 7 phone with your Cisco VPN. Maybe you want to sync our Mail with a server that lies on the other side of a firewalll. maybe you want to access a local web server. There is no Cisco Software I know of, that will connect your Windows phone directly via VPN, but you can use the shared network and wireless hostednetwork features from Windows 7.

Here is how you do it:

1. follow  the instructions here:


then copy the code below into a .vbs file and run it. You probably have to rename your connections in con and con2.


'this script: runs itself with elvated rights; starts the internet connection sharing feature of windows with the two configured networks (public and VPN)
' to allow your WINDOWS 7 PHONE to finally enter your cisco vpn

'Originally from http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/28897-switch-ics/
'Changed to VBS, added arguments and fixed for private/public networkds by Dror Gluska 2012-06-25
'Dror Gluska (2012) - http://uhurumkate.blogspot.co.il/

option explicit

dim con
dim con2
dim objShell

con="Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client Connection"
con2="Drahtlosnetzwerkverbindung 2"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
dim wsh
set wsh  = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.shell")

If WScript.Arguments.length =0 Then
  'Pass a bogus argument with leading blank space, say [ uac]
  objShell.ShellExecute "wscript.exe", Chr(34) & _
  WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34) & " uac", "", "runas", 1
    'reset internet sharing to allow cisco vpn to connect, needed if the last attempt failed
    wsh.run "cmd /c netsh wlan stop hostednetwork" 
    EnableDisableICS con,con2, false
    'connect with anyconnect now
    objShell.ShellExecute "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client\vpnui.exe"
    wsh.run "cmd /c netsh wlan start hostednetwork" 
    MsgBox "Click AFTER VPN was established"
    'now enable internet sharing
    EnableDisableICS con,con2, true
    dim i
    dim e
    For i=1 To 100
        e=InputBox("write 'exit'    to disable internet sharing")
        If e="exit" Then Exit For
    EnableDisableICS con,con2, false
    wsh.run "cmd /c netsh wlan stop hostednetwork" 
End If

function EnableDisableICS(sPublicConnectionName, sPrivateConnectionName, bEnable)
    dim  bFound
    bFound = FALSE
    dim oNetSharingManager, oConnectionCollection, oItem, EveryConnection, objNCProps
    set oNetSharingManager = Wscript.CreateObject("HNetCfg.HNetShare.1")
     if (IsObject(oNetSharingManager)) = FALSE then
        Wscript.Echo("Unable to get the HNetCfg.HnetShare.1 object.")
        Exit function
    End if
    if (IsNull(oNetSharingManager.SharingInstalled) = TRUE) then
        Wscript.Echo( "Sharing is not available on this platform.")
        Exit function
    End if


     set oConnectionCollection = oNetSharingManager.EnumEveryConnection
    for each oItem In oConnectionCollection
        set EveryConnection = oNetSharingManager.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection (oItem)
        set objNCProps = oNetSharingManager.NetConnectionProps (oItem)
         If  objNCProps.name = sPrivateConnectionName Then
            bFound = True
           'Wscript.Echo("Setting ICS Private to " & bEnable & " on connection: " & objNCProps.name)
            If bEnable Then
                EveryConnection.EnableSharing (1)
            End if
        End if

    set oConnectionCollection = oNetSharingManager.EnumEveryConnection
    for each oItem In oConnectionCollection
        set EveryConnection = oNetSharingManager.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection (oItem)
        set objNCProps = oNetSharingManager.NetConnectionProps (oItem)
        If  objNCProps.name = sPublicConnectionName Then
            bFound = True
           'Wscript.Echo("Setting ICS Public to " & bEnable & " on connection: " & objNCProps.name)
            If bEnable Then
                EveryConnection.EnableSharing (0)
            End if
        End if
    If Not bFound Then
       Wscript.Echo("Unable to find the connection " & sPublicConnectionName)
    End if

end function